Does Cinnamon Help You Lose Weight?
If you have been wondering does cinnamon help you lose weight, then read on. Not only will this article shed some light on whether or not it is a healthy weight loss ingredient, but it will also tell you the benefits of keeping your health and fitness high! Let's start with why exactly does cinnamon help you lose weight? This article will reveal the main reason why this little spice is so beneficial to weight loss.

What does cinnamon do to your body? Well for starters, in order for you to lose weight, your metabolism needs to be running like a well oiled machine. When you do eat food, your body has to break it down into fuel in order to be converted into the energy we need to perform our daily functions. And unfortunately, when our bodies can't burn fat, we gain weight! That's because fat contains twice the amount of glucose as glucose, which is why sugar is stored in our cells (versus fat) - so that we have plenty of energy to perform all the daily tasks we need to without being at risk of gaining weight.
So how does cinnamon help you lose weight? It all comes down to a simple chemical reaction! When you eat cinnamon, the enzyme that converts the sugar into glucose is activated, and more sugars are released into your blood stream! Since your body can't keep burning fat, it must get it from somewhere, and that's where cinnamon comes in handy!
Cinnamon actually keeps your blood sugar levels stable. The natural compound called "insulin" keeps your blood sugar level steady at all times, but when you consume cinnamon, it actually does something else... it releases the hormone insulin! This hormone is what stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin and drive sugar from the bloodstream into your cells! Of course, your blood sugar level still remains steady!
This is why people often wonder "can you lose weight by eating cinnamon?" The answer is a resounding "yes!" You'll end up losing a little bit of weight initially, because your body will switch to digesting the cinnamon instead of absorbing the sugar. However, if you keep your blood sugar level stable, your body will keep burning fat for energy, and your waistline will eventually shrink.
Of course, there are a few caveats to this. For instance, eating cinnamon doesn't give you a huge surge in energy. So if you're planning to work out for an hour, or do any sort of physical activity, make sure you have lots of water before you eat anything with cinnamon in it. If you do happen to drink a lot of water, however, realize that your blood sugar will still be steady! This isn't a problem, however, because when you exercise, your blood sugar increases because of the extra workout, not because of the cinnamon!
The last question many people have is "does cinnamon cause any harmful side effects?" The short answer is "no." Cinnamon is a naturally sweet herb, so you don't have to worry about ingesting large amounts of it. In fact, you should avoid eating any food that has a lot of natural sugars, such as most fruit. The only exception would be a couple types of cinnamon, which contain relatively high amounts of fructose. But other than that, your body will be pretty much safe with it.
Do remember, however, that people who suffer from diabetes should consult their doctor before starting a weight loss program with cinnamon as one of its main ingredients. It may cause a bit of a bloating feeling. Some individuals experience a bit of nausea. Also, if you have some stomach problems, you should let your doctor know about it first. This is especially true if you are suffering from bile reflux or heartburn, two other symptoms that can cause some degree of discomfort while you are trying to lose weight. If you're unsure about taking it, check with your physician before you try it out.
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