Does Cocaine Make You Lose Weight?
Does Cocaine Make You Lose Weight? - There are many ways to answer this question but the truth is that if you want to know if it does, you need to understand how the drug works and why it is so addictive. Most people use cocaine as a "recreational" drug. This means that they use it because they have a certain need that is either physical (like they want to be taller or have more energy) or psychological (they may need to feel good about themselves). Cocaine elevates these needs to an almost unhealthy level resulting in drug dependence and, eventually, weight loss.

Cocaine addiction does not just affect the user physically, though. It also affects those around the drug user who are exposed to their drug abuse. Many people are shocked when they find out that not only does cocaine make you lose weight, it also ruins your life. Many of the devastating effects of drug abuse, including criminal activity, come from the fact that the user's family, friends, and colleagues are also drug users. The cycle of cocaine abuse interferes with their personal and professional lives as well.
How does cocaine affect your mind? - Long-term drug use creates a world in which "normal," healthy thinking is replaced by a distorted version of what happens in reality. "Normal," healthy thinking includes rational thinking and the ability to reason properly. When you use cocaine, your brain has a difficult time making these normal decisions. Instead, you end up reasoning poorly and making wild guesses about things that don't really matter.
When you think about cocaine and weight loss, you probably think about the drug's ability to make you lose weight in a short amount of time. While it is true that the drug does this, there is another side effect that is not often considered. It is this side effect that can lead to serious health problems such as heart attack or even death. If you become addicted to cocaine, you put yourself at risk for something that could easily be prevented.
Can you become addicted to cocaine? - Cocaine is a highly addictive drug, and like all drugs, it can become very easy to rely on it. Once you become dependent on the drug, it becomes very difficult to stop using. This means that you will soon find yourself in situations where you will have to use the drug in order to feel normal.
How does cocaine become addicting? - When you use cocaine regularly, the drug builds up a tolerance that causes your body to need it. This means that instead of receiving the same "high" feeling each time you use the drug, you need to consume more to produce the same effect. Eventually, you will find yourself consuming large amounts of cocaine just to feel normal, and this is when the addiction takes hold.
How can you avoid becoming addicted to cocaine? - It's very difficult to completely avoid becoming addicted to anything, but if you limit your cocaine use to less than every couple of weeks, you should greatly reduce your chances of becoming hooked. If you use cocaine on a regular basis, you should seek professional help. An addiction specialist may be able to help you by providing detoxification from the drug, and by helping you to create a lifestyle that will make you less likely to abuse the drug.
If you use cocaine, you have put yourself at risk for many harmful side effects. This includes an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, hypertension, and even death. If you use the drug, you should consult your doctor before starting a rehab program. A lot of the dangers stem from not quitting, which is why so many people find themselves struggling to stay sober after a drug addiction.
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