Does Cocaine Make You Lose Weight?

The question on the lips of millions of Americans who use cocaine on a regular basis is, "Does cocaine make you lose weight?". This question, though seemingly innocent on the surface, has at least one answer that's very obvious. "No", it doesn't. And while there are those who claim otherwise, there are those who say that it does help you lose weight.

Cocaine isn't the only drug that can cause you to lose weight. Though it may be the most popular drug on the market and the one most commonly abused, there are many other drugs that can have similar effects. There are many different types of stimulants, including amphetamines, ecstasy, and speed. When you combine cocaine with any of these types of stimulants, it can lead to a cocaine high or "crash", which can quickly lead to weight loss.

So, what is it about cocaine that can lead to weight gain? It's been studied and found that one of its central properties is that it creates a neurochemical imbalance in the brain. The brain normally responds to stimulant like drugs by releasing natural chemicals known as dopamine. This makes the user feel good, alert and awake. The problem with cocaine is that it also increases this release of dopamine, leading to feelings of euphoria and an overall sense of well-being that can temporarily help one feel more alert and energetic.

This "high" produced by cocaine lasts for between ten and twenty hours. During this "high", the brain's release of dopamine causes the release of a chemical known as norepinephrine. This norepinephrine then binds with glucose in the bloodstream, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Most users of cocaine feel a sudden burst of energy after their initial "crash", but because the sugar levels return to normal almost immediately, the user feels hung over the next day.

This then leads to another question: does cocaine make you lose weight? It is possible that by cutting back on the amount of cocaine used, one can reduce or even eliminate his or her feelings of energy. Another cocaine high that is often experienced is one of irritability, which makes it difficult to concentrate and can cause insomnia. Cutting down on the amount of the drug used can lessen these symptoms. Also, it may be necessary for long term users to try less cocaine in order to achieve the same level of high feeling. Eventually, it may become possible to stop using cocaine completely.

Does cocaine make you lose weight? It is hard to say without research, but it seems likely that it might. Past studies have indicated that cocaine, when used in moderation, is quite safe. In fact, its use in medical situations has been shown to be quite beneficial. In one study, elderly subjects who regularly ingested cocaine were found to have less heart disease, less strokes and a reduction in the risk of Alzheimer's disease. It is important to note, however, that all of these subjects were at normal weights.

If one is determined to use the drug, it is imperative that one be realistic about how much he or she can handle. The potential for severe addiction is very real, as is the risk of overdose. Many who try cocaine on a small scale can find themselves dependent upon the drug for periods of time before their bodies become tolerant to it. For this reason, one should never start the drug intending to become addicted. If done habitually, one can become severely depressed and his or her self-esteem can plummet.

One does not need to put oneself in great physical danger to gain advantage from cocaine. It is, however, important to take some precautions to avoid addiction and injury. If one decides to use cocaine, he or she should seek advice from a trusted family member or friend before embarking on the drug. One should never purchase a cocaine product from someone who is either illegal or has been previously prosecuted for selling drugs. If one chooses to buy cocaine online, the buyer should ensure that the seller is reputable and reliable. While many dealers are honest, others may not be.


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