How Long Will It Take Me To Lose Weight?

How long will it take me to lose weight? This is one question that many people who are beginning an exercise or diet program wonder about. The answer to this question often depends on a person's current weight, age, and their individual metabolic type. Different foods contain different amounts of carbs, fats, proteins, and calories. Knowing which foods are higher in calories than others will help you decide how long it will take you to drop the pounds.

You may have heard many different theories on the best ways to lose weight and some even suggest that some foods are high in calories and therefore should be avoided while others should be included as a part of your weight loss plan. Some of these theories include counting calorie intake, counting how long you have been inactive, and using very simple words such as "calories", "grams", and "ounces". If you want to cut through all the hype and get straight down to the facts when it comes to losing weight, here are a couple of simple words that you need to know.

Counting calories can be confusing, but you can use any basic calorie counting calculator to determine how many extra calories you are ingesting each day. Once you learn how to read these kinds of calculators you will have all the information you will need to decide how long it will take you to lose weight. Your goal is to reduce your calorie intake so you are burning more fat than you are putting on.

One of the most important factors that determine how long you will take to lose weight is your level of physical activity. It is not enough just to drink lots of water and eat healthy foods. In order for you to lose extra pounds after completing your diet and exercising program you must be active. Studies depict that people who are active lead a longer, healthier life span. They live longer and they are less likely to develop heart disease and other medical conditions associated with being sedentary.

The next factor that you must consider when learning how long it will take to lose weight is your calorie consumption. Calorie intake is determined by the combination of your body size, age, gender, and height. To find out how many calories you are consuming each day, you can use a weight loss calculator. A weight loss calculator can be found online or you can purchase a calorie burning calculator from the drugstore. Using a calorie burning calculator will help you set realistic goals and keep you motivated toward reaching those goals.

Another factor that is crucial in determining how long it will take you to lose weight is your ability to make it through the day without gaining back the weight that you have lost. This means that you should choose foods that fill you up but don't spike your hormones. You need to eat healthy carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables if you want to feel full until lunch time. Avoid sweets and eat protein-rich foods such as fish, chicken, and beans.

Lastly, it is important to keep track of how much weight you are losing. Many people are motivated by the sight of massive gains in their body size. While this is nice, keeping track of your calorie intake, healthy weight goals, and how long it takes you to reach them will help you keep motivated. It's been scientifically proven that when you eat certain types of foods more often, your metabolism increases, making it easier for you to lose weight.

If you are concerned about putting on unwanted pounds after you start your weight loss plan, it is important that you remember that you are not putting on unwanted pounds due to overeating. Overeating does not equal to excess pounds. To reduce your water weight gain, you should follow all of the tips outlined above. The right calorie intake, healthy diet, and regular exercise will keep you trim.


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