How Long Will It Take Me To Lose Weight?

Ask any dieter the age they believe it will take them to lose weight and you are liable to receive an answer of between six months and one year. This is largely due to the fact that many people simply do not understand how the body works or how quickly it regenerates lost weight. They believe that as long as they cut back on their caloric intake and increase their activity level it will happen quickly. This is however completely backwards and misleading.

how long will it take me to lose weight

There are many confusing factors when it comes to calculating how many calories your body requires to function properly and lose weight. The first factor, of course, is your intake of food. This can be broken down into various different categories such as protein, vegetable and fruit intake, dairy and meat and grain intake. All of these categories are important but do not have the same impact on your metabolism.

Your activity level plays a very large role in determining how fast you lose weight. You see, most diets fail because the individuals simply don't put forth the effort required to stay motivated long enough to reach their goal. Yes, you will drop a few pounds right away as you shed those extra pounds but keep in mind that it will only be temporary. In order to keep the weight off for the long term, you need to increase your activity level. If you aren't already exercising you should start with a thirty-minute walk every single day and build up from there.

Before you start following any weight loss plan it is absolutely essential that you visit a doctor and get a full check up. While visiting the doctor may seem somewhat inconvenient, it is a very important first step in order to make certain that you are healthy enough for any weight loss plan you decide upon. There are many online resources available that may help you find the proper information about the condition you may have. The Mayo Clinic has a great weight loss calculator that can help you calculate how many pounds you can expect to lose in a given time.

Another factor that can significantly affect your success in losing weight is your current state of health. Depending on whether you have diabetes, heart disease, or some other medical condition, you may have to deal with certain complications such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and/or kidney problems. If you are starting a weight loss program because you have recently been diagnosed with one of these conditions, you may want to reevaluate your lifestyle and see if one of the changes you made may have already harmed your chances.

You may also be concerned about excess flab. The excess flab can be caused by a number of factors and, although most men do not think of exercise as a direct cause of excess flab there is definitely a connection. Most people who suffer from excess flab have a sedentary lifestyle and therefore are not getting the proper amount of physical activity that is required for optimal metabolism. A healthy weight loss goal calculator can help you keep track of the amount of physical activity you need to perform each day and monitor your progress towards this goal.

Finally, keep in mind that the key-point of any weight loss program is to eat fewer calories. The key-point doesn't change, but many people make the mistake of equating an overall volume of food with the amount of calories it contains. The calories consumed needs to be greater than the calories ingested.

How long does it take me to lose weight depends on what type of lifestyle you adopt and the type of diet that you select. However, as a general rule, most people who eat an average diet consisting of the recommended eight servings of fruits and vegetables per day and get moderate physical activity consume between two hundred and five hundred calories per day. Excess fat, which accounts for nearly twenty percent of the body's mass, needs to be removed from the diet and this can be accomplished by reducing the consumption of refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pastries, and sweets as well as increasing the intake of whole grains. If you wish to know how long it will take me to lose weight, you'll need to learn more about your individual biochemistry to determine which type of diet will work best for you. You can use any number of online weight loss calculators to determine the most effective way for you to reduce your calories and keep them off.


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